American Dexter Cattle Association Annual Awards

These awards are presented each year at the ADCA Banquet. Members can nominate fellow breeders to be considered for the award. These awards are a prestigious honor for our breed. There is a nomination process for each award. Please read below for that information.

  1. Chuck Daggett Award should go to a breeder who exemplifies good citizenship in our breed.
    • Read the criteria and nomination instructions HERE!
  2. Talisman Farm Award should go to a breeder who stewards an exemplary herd of Dexters.
    • Read the criteria and nomination instructions HERE!
  3. Chris Odom Awards (Junior and Senior Youth Award)
    • The Chris Odom awards are not nominations, but rather a written test for any youth wanting to compete for the award. The tests are provided to the youth in advance. The tests are then graded by volunteers to determine the senior and junior winners for the year.