Brucellosis also known as “Bangs” in the cattle world is a reportable disease.Brucellosis is caused by the bacteria Brucella abortus (B. abortus.) This disease can be transmitted to humans.
You will hear most cattleman talk about getting their heifers “Bangs vaccination.” This vaccination program must be executed by a veterinarian. They give the vaccine, tag/tattoo the heifer and provide you with a vaccination certificate. This certificate is important for the life of that heifer. It would be needed to get into other state inspection sites, some events and interstate travel, etc. Typically, breeders will get their heifers vaccinated for brucellosis between 6 months and 12 months of age, prior to breeding. It only requires one shot for the vaccination to be certified.
CDC Brucellosis information -Federal control and prevention
Above: Metal Brucellosis tag in Dexter cow's ear