* Definitions at the bottom of this page
Step 1: Go to the ADCA website and select Registration and Transfer
Step 2: Select either the ONLINE payment method (Red Star) or the print and mail method (Blue Star)
Step 3: Make sure YOU are, by definition, the First Owner of Record ( See definition above.)
Step 3: The Breeder listed is the person who was listed as the owner of the dam, when she became pregnant. This is referring to who was listed as the owner in the ADCA registry. The green arrow is addressing the “record of birth option.” This is if you just do a record of birth on a calf, but then later decide to officially register the animal. We don't want an animal to have 2 different registration numbers in the registry
Step 4: The permanent ID is the tattoo or USDA 840 tag that you applied in the Dexter's ear. Enter in the tattoo or the last 5 digits on the USDA 840 tag, in the Permanent ID field. You need to disclose which ear you put this ID in. Most breeders use the Dexter's Left ear for ID purposes, since the Brucellosis tag for heifers is typically put in the Right ear.The owner of the Dam at calving means who was listed as the owner of the cow when she gave birth to this calf.
Step 5: Finish entering in the Sire's information. Make sure you indicate what type of breeding occurred.
Step 6: It is important to understand what it means to be OBLIGATE. Obligate status is when both parents of a calf have already been tested, therefore the calf can only have one test result. For example, if both sire and dam were tested as Non-carriers for PHA, then their offspring are “obligate” for Non-carriers of PHA. Oftentimes, people think a sire or dam were tested but they actually were not. The best way to know this is to have the official lab test on the animal. Another way to look for answers on testing is to see if the animal is listed as tested online in the pedgree. Sometimes, those lab results are not forwarded onto the registrar so they may not be accurate if it does not include a result.
Step 7: Here you will enter in the Genetic Testing information. You will need to include the testing ID number that is found on your testing reports. Below I have included testing reports from both labs so you know where to locate these numbers. Make sure you attach “at minimum” the parent verification- genotype report. That is the only required testing for registration. It would be smart to upload any other testing you ordered during this application
UCDavis ( UCD) uses a Case #, see location below in yellow
Texas A&M (TAMU) uses an Accession #, see location below in yellow
Step 8: Final step is selecting the proper charge for what you are registering. The main issue that arises here is the registration of older heifers. Notice there is a different fee for heifers over 26 months.
Step 9: Check out with PayPal if you have no other animals to register. We do NOT Offer a Rush Registration anymore.