Table of Contents

Shelters: Stall Considerations

Stalls are great to have when you need to contain a Dexter for health, safety, weather, maternal bonding or a number of other reasons. There are important factors to consider when creating a stall area or adjusting a stall area that maybe you inherited from the purchase of your farm. Looking at all of the pictures below you would think my Dexters spend their entire life in the barn, but they don't. The Dexters love the barn because I have made it so comfortable for them and I always keep it a low stress place to visit. They come and go as they please, which is often!


Above: Stall is 10×10 ( Short walls are 5' tall.) Red gate is 6' long with hardware. Tall sided walls is due to the hay area behind this stall. This pic is right after construction- no cattle yet.

Above- Same stall above but ready for cattle. The Dexters prefer this stall when they are in the barn.

Above: 10x10x5' stall with short sided back wall. This pic is right after construction- no cattle yet.

Above: Same stall as the pic before it, but now ready for cattle. The Dexters prefer the other stall with the tall back wall because they have more privacy.

Above: Full view of constructed stalls and hay area in barn. As time went on I also built additional stalls on the right side. I left a large area in front so the Dexters could get out of bad weather without being too crowded.


Above: Cow was in a stall with her brand new calf and a yearling heifer found a way to the window so she could see what she was missing. HAHAHA


This stall has slotted views from 2 walls, so they can see out just fine. The other 2 sides of the stall are solid walls of 2×10 boards.

Above: A cyclone fan in a closed stall. The cows love napping in front of the fans. Looking at this picture closer, I should have made sure that extension cord was further away from their reach.

Safety considerations

Above: Cow with just born calf in stall. Cow has clean water, hay in bag and plenty of bedding to relax on. Stall is a 10×10 with 5' side walls to the ground. One stall wall is a slated type with 2×6 boards.

Above: Cow with just born calf in stall. Cow chose to take him to this stall. Red gate is installed low to the ground.

Above: This Dexter cow brought her brand new calf to the barn, on her own. She thinks she hid him well in the stall. Can you find him? Haha

Above: Dexter calf and new calf warm and snug on a very cold icy Texas morning.

MORE content coming soon on this topic

If you have some good pictures of your stall setup that you would like to share with our region please email them to me at