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Getting Started with Dexters


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Dexter Cattle Medicine Cabinet

Above: Various pour-on and injectable medications for internal and external parasites. There are also oral medications not shown in this picture, like Valbazen or Safeguard

Medical supplies

  1. Syringes of various sizes
  2. Needles of various size (Cattle typically require 16-18 gauge needles. Length 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch)
  3. Vet Wrap, gauze, cotton wrap
  4. Paper towels
  5. Disposable scalpels and latex gloves
  6. Disposable OB gloves

Above: Poly hub needle (18G x 1“) on left and Aluminum Hub (16G X 1”) on Right

Most injectable cattle medication will have information on their information insert on the size needle they recommend for the viscosity of the drug. The length of the needle depends on the type of injection (Subcutaneous, Intramuscular or Intravenous,) and the age of the animal. Mature cows have much thicker hides, requiring a larger gauged needle to safely administer the drug, with less risk of the needle breaking off. Most Dexter cattle require 16-18 gauged needles with the length of 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches in length.

Above: Keep a variety of syringe sizes in your reach. Luer lock or luer slip types

You will need a variety of syringe sizes depending on what you are administering. Some antibiotics take several MLs while standard vaccines are 5 MLs or less. An important point to note is making sure your syringe type MATCHES UP with the type of needles you bought. For example, if you bought luer lock needles, then you should by luer lock syringes. Luer lock syringes have the connecting end, with a screw on tip. Luer Slip syringes require you to just PUSH the needle on. For injections we typically have 6 ml and 12 ml syringes on hand here. Since veterinanas will tell you to not give more than 10ml per injection site, 12ml syringes are good even if you have to give 10ml on each side of the neck.

ONLINE VENDORS (Local co-ops and farm stores are good too.)

OTC medication

  1. Betadine, peroxide, rubbing alcohol
  2. Blue Kote spray or other spray antiseptic
  3. Eye antibiotic ointment
  4. Mastitis treatment syringes ( Dry or lactating cows)
  5. External parasite drugs (pour-on or injectable)
  6. Fly spray
  7. Dry colostrum for emergencies
  8. The list could go on

More content coming soo to this section

Above: Peroxide, Blue-Kote wound spray, Betadine (povidone-Iodine), Terramycin eye ointment, Rubbing alcohol

Equipment to have on hand

  1. Rope halters
  2. Ear taggers and tagger permanent pen
  3. Ear tag remover tool
  4. Metal Bolus gun- how you give pills to cattle Online option
  5. Small Buckets
  6. Brushes
  7. 2×4 boards if need to place behind rumps of cows
  8. Scissors
  9. Thermometer
  10. Heavy duty nose lead with chain and rope.
  11. Calf pulling chains
  12. And anything else you need for your working area and cattle.

Above: Yellow ear tag remover, 2 types of fly ear tags, Ear tag applicator

Above: Oral pill type med dispenser. Use ONLY a Metal Bolus Gun for your Dexters. The plastic ones can break.

More content coming soon to this section!

cattle_medicine_cabinet.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/12 20:19 by jhunt

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