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Evacuation Farm Considerations

“Evacuation Farm” list, where people list if their farm is a possible evacuation location for any Dexter breeders in the path of a destructive storm. There are evacuation orders in place now for Hurricane Laura and Marco heading to the gulf region. If you are willing to house other cattle on your farm for this kind of situation please let me know. I will try to get a quick list together for our region. Email me at I will hold this list privately, and only provide it to people who are in the path of a serious storm or flooding situation.

In your email, please include your name, farm name, location, and if you have a separate area to house cattle. Obviously, people need to consider biosecurity issues so it's best to have a place to keep your cattle separate and not in the same pasture with new cattle. Maybe you have an unused pasture or barn area. In a crisis, people are just happy to get their animals out of the danger zone of winds and flooding. These situations should be reserved for life, serious harm and death situations.

Go to Storm Response and Information for more State/Federal resources (TX and LA)

Stay Safe!

evacuation_farm_list.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/08 15:50 by jhunt

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