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Getting Started with Dexters


American Dexter Cattle Association


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How to Select a Unique Breeder Prefix

All new Dexter breeders will soon need to secure a breeder prefix for their ranch. This prefix is unique to your ranch and your membership number. Most people have their prefix related to their farm name. For example, if your farm name was Applewood Ranch, they would probably choose the prefix to be Applewood. Sometimes people will use acronyms instead of the actual name of the farm.

Your breeder prefix can not be used by any other breeder. So how will you know if it is already being used? The easiest way is to search the ADCA Pedigree site, by entering in names until you fine one you like and one that is not pulling up any other animals.

Your entire animal name can not be longer than 25 letters/spaces, so keep that in mind when choosing the prefix part of the name. You don't want to choose something long like “ Happiness Journey” because you won't have many letters left for the rest of the name.

If you come up with a great name, but you are not ready to register a calf yet, there is no way for you to “hold” or “secure” that name. The only way to secure a breeder prefix for your farm is to register a Dexter using that unique prefix. Once you register a Dexter using that prefix, you have then locked in that name, but until then it is free to other breeders to use. If you come up with a great name, keep it to yourself until you are ready to register something.

Click the Pedigree Site to search ideas on names!

I also made a short video, below, to show you how I actually search names on the pedigree site:

How to Verify Your Unique Breeder Prefix

how_to_select_a_unique_breeder_prefix.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/24 15:51 by jhunt

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