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Getting Started with Dexters


American Dexter Cattle Association


Beef Marketing/Selling
General Cattle Education

Local Disasters Preparedness and Response


Region 7 Beef Market Committee

I would like to find 5-6 people in our region that have been successful at selling beef (on various levels- local friends, customers, farmer's markets, and maybe even some local grocery stores/restaurants.)

Maybe these successful beef producers are pretty fluent in the laws of Texas and maybe Louisiana, pertaining to selling beef. (Can we develop a How-To sheet explaining how to legally sell beef, in our region?)

I would like to include 2 or so other people who are really interested in selling beef and are trying to find their way into a successful business ( They would give a good insight into new buyer questions.)

This group would meet via phone/zoom call once a month or so to discuss the region's beef market, how Dexters fit into that, what we can do to improve beef sales here, what information can we provide to our members, and so on.

I see a lot of people leaving bull calves intact. I wonder why when the beef could be so valuable. If breeders felt more comfortable in how to go about raising, marketing, processing, and selling beef maybe we could really help people make their little farms more sustainable.

Beef Committee Minutes
beef_market_committee.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/21 09:13 (external edit)

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